Historical Security Council



HSC Room: Edgewood
Conference Services: Embassy G
Caucusing Room: International Ballroom South
Email Working Papers To: hsc_atlanta@srmun.org

Committee Session 5
Current Topic:
 II. International Security Implications of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Quorum - 5
Simple Majority - 6
2/3 Majority - 8
Sponsors & Signatories - 4 (note: there needs to be at least 1 sponsor)



Working Papers

Committee Code Topic Sponsors Status Last Update
HSC 3-1 III. The Situation in Iraq and Kuwait accepted 11/23/24 08:01:00 PM
HSC 3-2 III. The Situation in Iraq and Kuwait accepted 11/23/24 08:00:49 PM
HSC 3-3 III. The Situation in Iraq and Kuwait accepted 11/23/24 08:00:41 PM
HSC 3-4 III. The Situation in Iraq and Kuwait accepted 11/23/24 08:00:33 PM
HSC 2-1 II. International Security Implications of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics accepted 11/23/24 08:00:23 PM
HSC 2-2 II. International Security Implications of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics accepted 11/25/24 03:57:26 PM

Draft Resolutions

Code Topic PDF Last Update
3-1 III. The Situation in Iraq and Kuwait 11/23/24 03:13:53 PM
3-2 III. The Situation in Iraq and Kuwait 11/23/24 03:24:59 PM
3-3 III. The Situation in Iraq and Kuwait 11/23/24 03:29:44 PM
3-4 III. The Situation in Iraq and Kuwait 11/23/24 04:06:00 PM
2-1 II. International Security Implications of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 11/23/24 07:59:44 PM
2-2 II. International Security Implications of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 11/23/24 08:10:57 PM


Code Topic PDF Results
3.4 III. The Situation in Iraq and Kuwait Placard Vote: Y-12/N-1/Ab-0
2.2 II. International Security Implications of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Roll Call Vote: Y-9/N-0/Ab-3
2.1 II. International Security Implications of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Placard: Y-11/N-0/Ab-1
3.3 III. The Situation in Iraq and Kuwait Roll Call Vote: Y-10/N-0/Ab-3
3.2 III. The Situation in Iraq and Kuwait Placard Vote: Y-12/N-1/Ab-0
3.1 III. The Situation in Iraq and Kuwait Adopt by Acclamation (13)

Speaker's List

Speaker's List Queue
Russian Federation
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland