
Working Papers

Committee Code Topic Sponsors Status Last Update
AU Iguana Addressing the Strength of Institutions and Rule of Law to Promote Good Governance Namibia Sierra Leone Kenya Rwanda Senegal returned 11/23/24 12:25:26 AM
GA Plen Blue Preventing Environmental Degradation During Times of Conflict Cyprus El Salvador Namibia Norway Philippines Sierra Leone Solomon Islands Switzerland United Arab Emirates Yemen returned 11/23/24 12:33:19 AM
UNIDO 1-4 Encouraging Sustainable Development through the Advancement of Agriculture and Agro-Industries in Developing States Algeria Brazil Democratic People's Republic of Korea Ethiopia France Japan Jordan Malaysia Malta Mozambique Namibia Republic of Korea Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Senegal Serbia United Arab Emirates United Republic of Tanzania editing 11/23/24 05:32:02 AM
AU Emerald Improving Access to Electricity in the African States and Building a Sustainable Electricity Market Algeria Botswana Democratic Republic of the Congo Mozambique Namibia Sierra Leone Somalia United Republic of Tanzania editing 11/23/24 07:35:55 PM
GA Plen Koala Preventing and Mitigating the Weaponization of Outerspace Botswana Netherlands Palestine Türkiye United States of America Uruguay Guyana Argentina Brazil Colombia Costa Rica Finland Indonesia Italy Japan Malaysia Namibia Republic of Korea Rwanda Senegal United Republic of Tanzania returned 11/23/24 06:57:41 PM
AU Coal Improving Access to Electricity in the African States and Building a Sustainable Electricity Market Algeria Botswana Cameroon Cote D'Ivoire Ethiopia Senegal Somalia South Africa Namibia returned 11/23/24 07:03:58 PM

Speaker's List

  • General Assembly Plenary
  • UN Industrial Development Organization
