Gucci |
Addressing the Role of Alternative Development within Global Drug Control Systems |
Armenia |
Cote D'Ivoire |
France |
Netherlands |
Republic of Korea |
Russian Federation |
South Africa |
United States of America |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
accepted |
03/22/24 08:11:07 PM |
GA Plen |
Wonder Woman |
Topic I: Establishing the United Nations Cybercrime Treaty |
Argentina |
Cameroon |
Lithuania |
Myanmar |
Netherlands |
Philippines |
Republic of Korea |
Thailand |
Ukraine |
returned |
03/22/24 06:44:04 PM |
GA Plen |
Mr. Fantastic |
Topic I: Establishing the United Nations Cybercrime Treaty |
Bolivia |
Ethiopia |
France |
Mozambique |
Netherlands |
Poland |
Zimbabwe |
Canada |
returned |
03/22/24 06:44:44 PM |
GA Plen |
Ant Man |
Topic I: Establishing the United Nations Cybercrime Treaty |
Argentina |
Brazil |
Bulgaria |
Canada |
Chile |
Ethiopia |
France |
Malta |
Mozambique |
Netherlands |
Norway |
Philippines |
Portugal |
Singapore |
Tunisia |
United Arab Emirates |
United Kingdom |
United States of America |
Uruguay |
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of |
returned |
03/22/24 06:44:19 PM |
GA Plen |
Fluttershy |
Combating the Illicit Trade of Cultural Artifacts and Property |
Afghanistan |
Bangladesh |
Belarus |
Canada |
Croatia |
Denmark |
Malta |
Netherlands |
Norway |
Philippines |
Portugal |
Russian Federation |
Rwanda |
Syrian Arab Republic |
United Kingdom |
editing |
03/23/24 03:07:54 PM |
GA Plen |
Spongebob |
Combating the Illicit Trade of Cultural Artifacts and Property |
Bulgaria |
Canada |
Denmark |
France |
Italy |
Netherlands |
Poland |
Switzerland |
merged |
03/23/24 02:03:01 PM |
Eros |
Promoting Sustainable Strategies to Combat Illicit Drug Abuse within Marginalized Communities |
Algeria |
Argentina |
Chile |
Colombia |
Cote D'Ivoire |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) |
Morocco |
Netherlands |
Portugal |
Uruguay |
accepted |
03/23/24 06:54:36 PM |